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<!— Page published by Emacs Muse begins here —> <p><em><a href="Non-Sumou.html">Other Nokia N900 GNU mobile phone tips</a></em></p>

<p>Nokia N900's Maemo GNU/Linux system, doesn't have Chinese Japanese Korean (CJK) input support. However, the system is fully UTF-8, including the appropriate fonts.</p> <p>Therefore it is easy to make it function with CJK.</p> <p>To make CJK work:</p> <ol> <li><a href="GNU%20Emacs%20for%20Nokia%20N900.html">Install GNU Emacs</a>.</li> <li><a href="Entering%20CJK%20text%20in%20GNU%20Emacs.html">Enter CJK text in GNU Emacs</a>.</li> <li>Switch to the target application and paste the text there.</li> </ol>

This way you can send CJK SMSes for instance etc. When you receive CJK SMSes, you'll be able to read them, since the font support is there etc. and you can easily reply to them this way.</p>

This way you can enter CJK text into the web browser, enter it into Contacts etc. Basically into any application on the Nokia N900 GNU mobile phone. <!— Page published by Emacs Muse ends here —>

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