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<!— Page published by Emacs Muse begins here —> <p><a href="Non-Sumou.html">Other Nokia N900 GNU tips</a></p>

<p>To mount and access the Nokia N900 filesystem locally:</p> <ul> <li><a href="Install%20sshfs%20on%20the%20Nokia%20N900.html">Install sshfs</a></li> </ul>

To enable back and forth copying to and from the Nokia N900 and not suffer permissions issue make sure you have a `users' group and `user' user on the PC, i.e.:</p> <ul> <li><table bgcolor="#000000" border="1"><tr><td border="0"><font color="#FFFF00"><b># addgroup users<br /> # adduser &mdash;ingroup users user</b></td></tr></table></li> </ul>

Then on the PC:</p> <ul> <li>Create the Nokia N900 filesystem mountpoint: <table bgcolor="#000000" border="1"><tr><td border="0"><font color="#FFFF00"><b># mkdir /media/n900<br /> # chown user:users /media/n900</b></td></tr></table></li> </ul>

Now, everytime to mount and use the N900 filesystem:</p> <ol> <li>Connect the N900 to the PC with the USB cable.</li> <li>Choose PC-Suite mode in the popup window, that appears on the N900 upon connecting the USB cable.</li> <li>On the N900: <table bgcolor="#000000" border="1"><tr><td border="0"><font color="#FFFF00"><b># ifup usb0</b></td></tr></table></li> <li>On the PC: <table bgcolor="#000000" border="1"><tr><td border="0"><font color="#FFFF00"><b>$ su user<br /> user@pc:~$ sshfs <a href="mailto:root@">root@</a>:/ /media/n900</b></td></tr></table></li> </ol>

Now your full Nokia N900 filesystem is mounted in /media/n900 and you can access it regularly. <!— Page published by Emacs Muse ends here —>

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