
Sumou Sayings are phrases and proverbs which have developed through time to describe truths relating mainly to Sumoudou.

Some have become ordinary Japanese-language idioms. Others have stayed particular to Sumou use only.

The most popular Sumou idiom is Shin Gi Tai.

Some Sumou Sayings have also materialized into set phrases used often in Promotion Speeches.

相撲取りは喋るな。行動で示せ。 Sumou wrestlers shouldn't talk. They should provide an example through action.

Wakanohana I

阿吽の呼吸 Aun Breath
阿吽の呼吸で立つ Aun no kokyuu de tatsu To rise with Aun Breath
<tr><td>『立会い』は、“阿吽の呼吸”が理想</td><td>Tachiai ha aun no kokyuu ga risou</td><td>Aun Breath is the Ideal of Tachiai.</td></tr> <tr><td>吐く息、吸う息、止まる息</td><td>Haku iki suu iki tomaru iki</td><td>"Exhale, inhale, hold your breath.</td></tr> <tr><td>. </td><td>. </td><td>Polish the spirit, that is the key.</td></tr> <tr><td>. </td><td>. </td><td>When your opponent pulls, push; When your opponent pushes, push.</td></tr> <tr><td>礼に始まり、礼に終わる、相撲道である。</td><td>. </td><td>The Way of Sumó is, you begin with a bow and end with a bow.</td></tr> <tr><td>. </td><td>. </td><td>Train now for the sumó you will do three years down the road.</td></tr> <tr><td>. </td><td>. </td><td>Rank down and a mere insect.</td></tr> <tr><td>. </td><td>. </td><td>A local Júryó wrestler is more attractive than an Ózeki from the capital.</td></tr> </table>
